This meme is a flat-out bonkers mess. You could actually write a book debunking this meme.
The table of contents might look something like this:
Since 1978: Layers of Lies Exposed!
Chapter 1: Choosing a year… why 1978? Could it have to do with the four years of massive inflation in the US from 1979 to 1981 that pumped up all these numbers? I’m sure not.
Chapter 2: College Tuition, Medical costs, Shelter and Food. Please glance at these numbers and become reflexively enraged, but don’t actually think about them since they’re devastating to the stances we hold on health care, education and even housing. Uh… wait a second! Why did food prices actually go down when adjusted for inflation while the other three went up so much!? (Inflation since 1978 is inconveniently 293.5% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, another book unto itself)
Please keep the tour group moving!
Chapter 3: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Where the Great and Powerful Oz billows smoke, flashes lights and plays thunder sounds to distract from the fact he’s COMPARING INFLATION-ADJUSTED NUMBERS TO NON-ADJUSTED NUMBERS IN A MASSIVE STATISTICAL LIE! (I’m sure it was unintentional)
Chapter 4: CEO pay and why it’s actually interesting. Where we examine how you can’t get paid more just ‘cause you wanna, but you can if new technology and industry concentration allow you leverage yourself and your abilities across broader markets. (Also known as why LeBron James makes more than your kid’s teacher even though we really do value education more than basketball).